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Why motorcycle gasoline pump is bad

1. Why is the motorcycle gasoline pump bad?

If the oil pump is working normally, it will spray oil out. If the oil spray is very small or no oil comes out, it is likely that the oil pump is broken (of course, we can't rule out that the oil is too dirty and blocking the oil circuit).

2. Motorcycle oil pump is easy to break?

1) The symptoms of a broken oil pump are as follows:

(1) Weak acceleration, stuttering when refueling in a hurry;

(2) bad start;

(3) buzzing noise when driving;

(4) engine fault light on;

(5) engine shaking.

2) the causes of oil pump damage:

(1) when the oil quality is poor, there will be a variety of impurities in the oil tank is sucked into the oil pump motor, causing damage to the oil pump; (2) the oil pump is damaged. damage;

(2) wait until the oil light to refuel, which will lead to the oil pump in a less position, not fully cooled and lubricated. (2) wait until the oil light is on to refuel, which will lead to the oil pump in a less position, not fully cooled and lubricated, etc.

3. Motorcycle pump does not produce oil is not bad?

The first thing to do is to check if there is a fault code in the fault light. If there is a fault code, read the fault code and repair according to the fault content.

If there is no fault code, check the air filter, EFI pump blockage, clean the throttle, check the point system wiring for loose and false. Check the wiring of the system whether there is a loose false connection, whether the spark plug is bad, whether the gasoline is bad, whether the oil pump is damaged bad, whether the sensor is faulty or poor wiring contact, etc.

Fuel supply system failure is characterized by low fuel pressure, so that the injector fuel delivery is insufficient, usually due to gasoline pump without electrical signal, or fuel pump, pressure regulator can not provide and protect the fuel pressure This is usually the result of the fuel pump not having an electrical signal, or the fuel pump or pressure regulator not providing and protecting the fuel pressure.

4. Why is the motorcycle gasoline pump bad?

It should be the relay problem is more likely, change - a relay to try. Or carefully check the plug or wiring is loose. Because the motorcycle vibrates a lot during the driving process, the plug may be loose and lead to poor contact. This can lead to poor contact.